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Be considerate and adhere to the following guidelines:
1. Do not frequent or remain in the common areas of the Building if you, within the last two weeks, have tested positive for COVID, are sick, have a fever, are coughing, have difficulty breathing, are experiencing any other symptoms of COVID; or have been in close contact with a person with a confirmed case of COVID either in your household, your place of business or elsewhere.
2. Do not book massage within 1 week of a covid booster vaccination.
3. Wash your hands or Sanitize with organic plant based sanitizer; we sell in office.
4. Join as a member and never miss an appointment again!
Long covid is now a chronic condition. Massage therapy does help!
If you are suffering from chronic fatigue, joint pain, difficulty concentrating, headaches, sleep problems, pins&needles feelings, stiffness, depression or anxiety could be side effects from covid to last for weeks, months or years.
Recommended is lighter massage, hot stone massage, foot detox, access consciousness the bars and body processes.
1010 Jorie Blvd. Suite 10 (Lower Level) Oak Brook, IL 60523
Payments Accepted: Cash, Credit Cards Venmo: @Rockin-Massage-1
Book online, appointments only. No walk-ins available.
You may cancel or modify your appointment without charge anytime 24 hours preceding the start time of your appointment.
Less than 24 hours notice is considered a “Late Cancellation” and will result in a charge up to 100% of the scheduled service(s).
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